| There Will Be Hunger | May 1, 2008 | Cosmo is plagued by dreams of biofuel-caused famine. He decides to embark on a 100-litre diet, eating the corn used to make 100 litres of biofuel -- or one SUV fill-up -- in a year, which is what an average African does. | |
| Biofools | April 24, 2008 | Cosmo and Horst go for a filleruppuccino. Will that be a venti blue corn biofuel blend, hold the oil sands? | |
| Luddite Homesteaders | April 10, 2008 | Horst catches Cosmo driving to a Kyoto Now! demonstration, where he wants to capture the moral righteousness of the demonstrators for a YouTube doc. | |
| Snow Is a Four Letter Word | April 3, 2008 | Will winter never end? Frank is disappointed that despite all his efforts to create climate change, there are still snow drifts in front of his house. | |
| See Mammaries Save Sea Mammals | March 27, 2008 | Horst and Cosmo confront a bimbo approach to seal hunting. | |
| Climate Chaos Theory | December 27, 2007 | Canada's stance at the Bali climate change conference culminates a long line of Canadian triumphs, with a pledge not to throw toddlers into high-efficiency furnaces. | |
| Ghosts of Christmas Future | December 20, 2007 | Canada's environment minister John Baird takes a hard line at the UN Climate Conference in Bali -- insisting that using babies as fuel will radically reduce their lifetime emissions (because their lifetimes will be radically reduced). | |
| Cremation Ceremonies | December 13, 2007 | In Bali, they burn their dead and throw the ashes into the rising sea. Global Gus and Stephen Harper are planning to do just that with the Kyoto Accord. | |
| Homecoming | November 29, 2007 | Raj's flight on Renditionair returns, finally, from Afghanistan. His friends, an ambulance and a press conference with Stockwell Day are there to greet him. | |
| Oil Asanas | November 1, 2007 | Stephen Harper is using an innovative, New Age method to reduce carbon emissions from oil sands mining: The power of positive thinking. | |
| Idling Cars Do Devil's Work | October 11, 2007 | Horst vs Hummer | |
| Porn Flakes | September 6, 2007 | Horst is now shacking up with Frank, who proves to be a less-than-ideal roommate: Messages are not passed on, and porn is running during breakfast. | |
| Four-letter Mind | August 30, 2007 | Horst is in hiding from BioDredge, the makers of Gaiagra, who don't take too kindly when one of their patients decides the drug is not for him. | |
| Wait for the Results | August 23, 2007 | Horst goes on another Gaiagra-induced torture-porn trip, in which his doctor dunks him in a boiling hot tub, refusing to let him stop taking the drug. Or does he? | |
| Woohoo | August 16, 2007 | The origins of the powerful anti-climate change-induced depression drug, Gaiagra. | |
| Deathly Hallucinations | August 9, 2007 | Horst's doctor reassures him that his weird visions are just a result of too low a dose of Gaiagra. Then he pops off Horst's head. | |
| Pod People | July 26, 2007 | Cosmo creates a protest playlist dedicated to the abused Chinese worker who made his iPod. | |
| Clinical Trial | July 5, 2007 | Day 3 of Horst's clinical trial of Gaiagra: He discovers the pill talks back to him. | |
| Through a Glass, Darkly | June 21, 2007 | "Girls don't go for guys unable to see the glass half full." So says Horst's doctor, who wants to prescribe him a new drug that relieves despair caused by environmental crises. | |
| Emotional Property Rights | June 7, 2007 | Horst's new status of "dumpee" has gone viral via Facebook. For Cosmo, this is a good thing: "You get it all over with in a nano-second!" | |
| Compatibility Issues | May 24, 2007 | Frank offers Horst an antidote to his breakup blues: the largest HD porn collection in Canada. | |
| No Man is an Ice Floe | March 29, 2007 | Horst finds himself having a smoke on an ice floe (about the only place you can nowadays) -- but is rudely interrupted by a polar bear. | |
| End of the World | March 22, 2007 | Horst and Celia's relationship is a casualty of global warming that Al Gore forgot to mention. Horst breaks the news to Frank. | |
| Earth Defence | February 22, 2007 | Horst is on trial for spousal abuse by cruel and unusual thermostat settings. Stephen Harper intervenes because the judge is a "tree-hugger hugger." | |
| War Measures | February 15, 2007 | Horst and Celia's battle over the thermostat reaches its climax. Horst wins the battle -- but does he lose the war? | |
| Friends of the Truth | February 8, 2007 | Before you trade in your Hummer for a hybrid -- are you sure you are to blame for global warming? Global Gus, spokesglobe for Friends of the Truth, offers other theories as to why the planet is heating up. | |
| Thermostat War | February 1, 2007 | Global warming hits home -- Horst and Celia's home, where the temperature setting is the trigger for all-out thermo war. Will their relationship survive the fallout? | |
| Toxic Thought Balloon | January 25, 2007 | Horst's thoughts of the prime minister straddling an exhaust pipe are keeping him awake. Celia's sleep is also disturbed by the mother of all thought balloons. | |
| 15 Minutes | January 18, 2007 | Frank has converted: He has donated his SUV to the museum's dinosaur gallery and now drives a Prius. | |
| MP3 Levels | January 4, 2007 | Is Horst ranting in his sleep or does he have a terminal case of insomnia? | |
| Canada's New Anthem | December 7, 2006 | Environment Minister Rona Ambrose belts out a new anthem for a new government. | |
| Rogue Canada | November 30, 2006 | Stephen Harper wants credit for cutting CO2 emissions from Taliban suicide bombers. | |
| Emission Targets | October 26, 2006 | Stress causes low sperm count -- but Horst remains convinced that, despite his long hours at work, one or two of his sperm may survive to complete their mission. | |
| Steve | October 19, 2006 | If you love our troops. If you love your timbits. You MUST see this movie. | |
| Tuvalu | June 29, 2006 | Frank deals with global warming and the war on terror in one fell swoop - and gets reprimanded by Stephen Harper for creating competition. | |
| Trouble | May 25, 2006 | Stephen Harper said he'd never cut and run on Canada's commitments at the first sign of trouble. Then he cut and run on Kyoto. | |
| 80 Percent | May 18, 2006 | Global Gus wants you to live like there's no tomorrow - so there won't be a tomorrow. | |
| Instead | May 4, 2006 | Harper's plan for the future. | |
| Never-Nesters | January 5, 2006 | The anniversary of Horst and Celia's resolution to have a baby arrives - and Horst uses it as a political allegory.
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| Sightings | December 22, 2005 | Environmentalist David Susuki warns that global warming will cause Santa's extinction.
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| Warm'n'Fuzzy | September 22, 2005 | For Frank, gas prices can't go high enough. | |
| Alternative Energy | May 12, 2005 | In 2000, U.S. airlines used an extra 1.3 billion litres of fuel to carry their over-weight passengers. This cartoon proposes a startlingly simple solution. Hint: Oilbesity. | |
| Second SUV | March 3, 2005 | Horst laments to Frank that he will never make the "One-Tonne Challenge. | |
| Challenges | February 24, 2005 | Is Max committed to Kyoto - or does he just have a thing for Rick Mercer? Max, Horst and Celia discuss Kyoto, having babies, ranting about having babies and the Geneva Convention. | |
| Sexual Cooling | October 28, 2004 | Horst has ecological disaster on his mind. Does global warming have to create sexual cooling? | |
| Air of Colour | October 3, 2002 | airism - n. A coercive, fundamentalist ideology that discriminates against "impure" or dark-coloured air. Global Gus and Ralph Klein want a tolerant society that acepts all odors of air. | |
| Clean Airists | September 26, 2002 | Global Gus and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein are here to warn us about a threat so evil, it makes Al-Qaeda look like a bunch of boy scouts. | |
| Happy Frog | April 11, 2002 | Global Gus introduces us to his hot-tubbing buddy Happy Frog -- and hypes the glorious future. Does it include global warming? Nah! Throw more coal on the fire to power up your A/C and you'll be fine. | |
| A New Climate | August 2, 2001 | A New Climate -- for a Change: Tired of the same old boring extreme sports? Why not try extreme weather? | |
| Global Gus | July 26, 2001 | Hey kids! Name is Global Gus! I'd like to thank you for doing your part to heat up the planet! | |