| Climate Chaos Theory | December 27, 2007 | Canada's stance at the Bali climate change conference culminates a long line of Canadian triumphs, with a pledge not to throw toddlers into high-efficiency furnaces. | |
| Ghosts of Christmas Future | December 20, 2007 | Canada's environment minister John Baird takes a hard line at the UN Climate Conference in Bali -- insisting that using babies as fuel will radically reduce their lifetime emissions (because their lifetimes will be radically reduced). | |
| Cremation Ceremonies | December 13, 2007 | In Bali, they burn their dead and throw the ashes into the rising sea. Global Gus and Stephen Harper are planning to do just that with the Kyoto Accord. | |
| Pyramid Scheme | November 15, 2007 | Stephen Harper is on tour, promoting his new self-help book, The Harper Method: How a 1% GST Cut Can Make Your Dreams Come True | |
| Oil Asanas | November 1, 2007 | Stephen Harper is using an innovative, New Age method to reduce carbon emissions from oil sands mining: The power of positive thinking. | |
| Bunker Mentality | June 28, 2007 | Cosmo shows Horst his brand new, revolutionary communications device: the dPhony. It debunks anything. Case in point: Harper's statements on Afghanistan. | |
| Hewers of Wood | May 17, 2007 | Stephen Harper calls Stockwell Day out from the dungeon where he resides. Donya and her lawyer threaten to sue unless Raj is released by Canadian troops in Afghanistan. | |
| Friendly Firewall | May 10, 2007 | Donya finally gets a meeting with the Prime Minister, who gives her the news that her husband has been transfered to the Canadian army base in Kandahar. | |
| The Emperor's New Clothes | April 19, 2007 | Stephen Harper: Drag Queen of Canada. | |
| G.I. Steve Meets Terror Bear | March 1, 2007 | What happens when a heavy-duty action leader meets a stuffed teddy bear that's soft'n'cuddly on terror? | |
| Earth Defence | February 22, 2007 | Horst is on trial for spousal abuse by cruel and unusual thermostat settings. Stephen Harper intervenes because the judge is a "tree-hugger hugger." | |
| Friends of the Truth | February 8, 2007 | Before you trade in your Hummer for a hybrid -- are you sure you are to blame for global warming? Global Gus, spokesglobe for Friends of the Truth, offers other theories as to why the planet is heating up. | |
| Toxic Thought Balloon | January 25, 2007 | Horst's thoughts of the prime minister straddling an exhaust pipe are keeping him awake. Celia's sleep is also disturbed by the mother of all thought balloons. | |
| Canada's New Anthem | December 7, 2006 | Environment Minister Rona Ambrose belts out a new anthem for a new government. | |
| Rogue Canada | November 30, 2006 | Stephen Harper wants credit for cutting CO2 emissions from Taliban suicide bombers. | |
| Steve | October 19, 2006 | If you love our troops. If you love your timbits. You MUST see this movie. | |
| Home | September 14, 2006 | News from home for Raj, held captive by the Americans: Stephen Harper is upset that the U.S. won't share its no-fly list. Stephen wants to make lists of his own. | |
| Men with Hoses | September 7, 2006 | Prime Minister Stephen Harper attends the Firefighters' Convention -- but not the AIDS Conference. In honour of his apparent festish for dressing in uniforms, Weltschmerz shows the emperor with no clothes. | |
| American Care | August 31, 2006 | Donya receives a visit from Officer Stephen Harper, who informs her why the Americans won't release her husband, who is being held in Afghanistan. | |
| Tuvalu | June 29, 2006 | Frank deals with global warming and the war on terror in one fell swoop - and gets reprimanded by Stephen Harper for creating competition. | |
| Trouble | May 25, 2006 | Stephen Harper said he'd never cut and run on Canada's commitments at the first sign of trouble. Then he cut and run on Kyoto. | |
| 80 Percent | May 18, 2006 | Global Gus wants you to live like there's no tomorrow - so there won't be a tomorrow. | |
| Instead | May 4, 2006 | Harper's plan for the future. | |
| Nose Tweaking | April 27, 2006 | A baby grabs Harper's nose. But that's just the beginning of a full-on infant pile-up. | |
| Wooden | February 16, 2006 | Stephen Harper's rise to power causes Horst's fall into impotency.
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| Romance | February 9, 2006 | Our new warm'n'passionate PM in action.
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| Not Kinky | January 19, 2006 | Horst gets into bed with Stephen Harper.
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| Acting Strange | January 12, 2006 | You gotta wonder. Demographically speaking, he should be. So is Des' nephew Skid a member of a gang? | |
| Reddi-Wip | February 17, 2005 | Officer Stephen Harper takes a stand: "If we don't stop same-socks marriage, the courts will force churches to allow orgies of naked, Reddi-Wip-slathered bungee jumpers!" | |
| Holy Nausea! | February 10, 2005 | Vatman and Altar Boy Wonder accuse Des and Max of causing the collapse of civilization. | |