A condensed version of the interview I had with CFRU's Jen Moore and The Bookshelf's Dan Evans is podcast this week at rabble.ca. It's the first item on the show - click here to hear it. (You don't need an iPod - just your home computer.) A longer version will be broadcast later on CFRU and available here.

In his budget, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is bribing us for votes instead of putting tax revenue into preparing for a precarious future, building the social infrastructure we need. Funding to combat global warming - the most pressing issue of our time, and perhaps all time - was cut by 80%. No mention was made of Kyoto. (I did this cartoon before the budget was released. But it was clear from Harper's five skewed and irresponsible priorities what was coming. Expect more cartoons on this issue in the near future.)

Attack of the Same-Sex Sleeper Cells Reviews:
Exclaim! says: "Slyly meshing Doonesbury politics, slacker culture and relationship dramas, Lind accomplishes a remarkable balancing act. …Smartly political without being preachy, (Weltschmerz is) a current jolt of satire served with a soothing cup of interpersonal angst.�?
Eye Weekly says: "Weltschmerz successfully straddles the line between humorous and depressing, taking well-deserved punches at some of the most infuriating political events and trends of 2005."
Echo says: "Mating excellence in design and print quality and Lind’s thoughtful and incisive social commentary, the inaugural collection from the Weltschmerz series sets a high standard."
Pages, 256 Queen Street West (at John). On the graphic novels table.
The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street (near Bloor and Bathurst)
Book City, three locations - 501 Bloor St. West, 348 Danforth Ave., 663 Yonge St.
Hairy Tarantula, 354 Yonge Street (near Dundas).
David Mirvish Books, 596 Markham St.
The Bookshelf, 41 Quebec Street.
Macondo Books, 18 Wilson Street
Waterloo: Words Worth Books, 100 King Street South
Kitchener: KW Bookstore, 308 King Street West
Hamilton: Bryan Prince Bookseller, 1060 King Street West
Ottawa: Collected Works, 1242 Wellington Street West (at Holland)