No End Insight | June 26, 2008 | The last Weltschmerz. A horny dilemma for Horst. I'm a fan of ambiguous, European-movie endings. | |
No Show, No Tell | June 19, 2008 | Horst meets with his cyberlover and discovers she is his ex girlfriend's girlfriend. | |
Subtext | June 12, 2008 | Horst gets a reality check from Cosmo and his new girlfriend Pangaea: What does his closet lesbianism mean? | |
Closet Guy | June 6, 2008 | A conversation between two lesbians online. Or are they? One could be an obese, acne-scarred John McCain-voting redneck. Or one could be Horst. | |
| Healing Process | May 29, 2008 | Horst is frequenting Planet Lesbos, pretending to be a lesbian. Is he really over Celia? | |
| Twin Peaks | May 22, 2008 | The 100-Litre Diet - Day 27: Welcome to Cosmo's own private world food crisis. Is his hunger accentuating a rare offline sexual encounter? | |
| Double or Nothing | February 28, 2008 | A conversation about sex and jealousy over Raj's comatose body. | |
| Intelligence | January 10, 2008 | At a fund-raising party for the comatose Raj Malick, Horst asks Frank if he thinks Celia might be having an affair with Donya. | |
| Visiting Hours | January 3, 2008 | Horst visits the comatose Raj in the hospital -- and is himself visited. | |
| One Man's Tragedy | November 22, 2007 | Celia calls to tell Horst that Raj is on a flight from Afghanistan. But he's in a coma. Franks sees this crisis as an opportunity for Horst to patch things up with Celia. | |
| No Label | November 8, 2007 | Celia admits to Max that she is jealous of Cindy's 20,000 fundamentalist, celebrity-worshipping fans. | |
| Meet the Fan Base | October 18, 2007 | Cindy's fans have weighed in on her new girlfriend, Celia. But Celia isn't too sure whether she can handle a relationship with a 20,001 "uniques." | |
| GOP 2.0 | September 13, 2007 | Celia is visiting her long-time friend Cindy, dissecting her defunct relationship with Horst, when the plot twists. | |
| Gerbils | November 9, 2006 | Gerbils procreate. Gays can't marry because they can't procreate. Should gerbils have the right to marry? | |
| God's Business | November 2, 2006 | Vatican superheroes Vatman and Altar-Boy Wonder pay a late-night visit to Horst and Celia. | |
| Emission Targets | October 26, 2006 | Stress causes low sperm count -- but Horst remains convinced that, despite his long hours at work, one or two of his sperm may survive to complete their mission. | |
| Stud Finder | July 27, 2006 | Now that Horst is no longer a breeder, Celia fantasizes about finding a new stud. | |
| Underworldwear | July 20, 2006 | Was Horst's sperm killed by tight jockey shorts? Or was it the broccoli? Or the laptop? The mystery thickens. | |
| Spermicide | July 13, 2006 | Horst's sperm cells are dead. Is it murder? Weltschmerz goes film noir. | |
| Cave Paintings | July 6, 2006 | Horst tries to produce a sperm sample to see why he and Celia can't conceive. He finds the sample-producing aids less than satisfactory. | |
| Sporn | May 11, 2006 | Frank has the solution to help Horst in conceiving a child: Porn. | |
| At First Site | April 13, 2006 | Cosmo introduces Horst to his main cyber-squeeze. | |
| Wooden | February 16, 2006 | Stephen Harper's rise to power causes Horst's fall into impotency.
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| Tantric | November 17, 2005 | Horst: "If you're gonna go all tantric afterwards, at least I should be allowed to have a smoke." | |
| How Often? | October 21, 2005 | A look at how differently the men and women perceive sex. | |
| Daytimer Sex | September 29, 2005 | Horst is shocked when Celia suggests she pencil him in for sex. | |
| Sexual Cooling | October 28, 2004 | Horst has ecological disaster on his mind. Does global warming have to create sexual cooling? | |
| Muffin Crumbs | August 27, 1998 | Celia meets failed super-waif Cindy for a coffee -- and is subjected to the pull of Planet Lesbian Chic. | |
| Hot Wet Cuts | November 21, 1996 | The final of this four-part series featured a movie poster for Mike Harris' cuts-fetish movie Cuts, a rip-off of David Cronenberg's car-crash fetish movie, Crash (not to be confused with the 2005 Oscar-winning movie of the same name). | |
| Hot Wet Cuts | November 14, 1996 | Mike Harris slashes everythng in sight with orgasmic mayhem. Lots of cutback porn visible here. Not for the faint-hearted. | |
| Aprodisiac | November 7, 1996 | The second part of this two-part series, in which then Ontario Premier stars as the ring-leader of a group of politicians who get sexual thrills out of spending cuts -- strangely similar to the car-wreck fetishists to David Cronenberg's Crash | |