| Baggage | February 21, 2008 | Horst goes for a walk in the snow with Celia sitting on his shoulders. | |
| Phantom Wife Syndrome | February 14, 2008 | "If I lose a leg to an IED, do I say "ex-leg?" No, it's still my leg, even though it's been shredded. So why do we say ex-wife?" Horst has a too-close encounter with another sufferer of PWS. | |
| Visiting Hours | January 3, 2008 | Horst visits the comatose Raj in the hospital -- and is himself visited. | |
| Taser Love | December 6, 2007 | At a press conference, Stockwell Day says Raj Malik was tasered as a "heroic intervention" to prevent Economy Class Syndrome. | |
| Homecoming | November 29, 2007 | Raj's flight on Renditionair returns, finally, from Afghanistan. His friends, an ambulance and a press conference with Stockwell Day are there to greet him. | |
| One Man's Tragedy | November 22, 2007 | Celia calls to tell Horst that Raj is on a flight from Afghanistan. But he's in a coma. Franks sees this crisis as an opportunity for Horst to patch things up with Celia. | |
| Bunker Mentality | June 28, 2007 | Cosmo shows Horst his brand new, revolutionary communications device: the dPhony. It debunks anything. Case in point: Harper's statements on Afghanistan. | |
| Hewers of Wood | May 17, 2007 | Stephen Harper calls Stockwell Day out from the dungeon where he resides. Donya and her lawyer threaten to sue unless Raj is released by Canadian troops in Afghanistan. | |
| Friendly Firewall | May 10, 2007 | Donya finally gets a meeting with the Prime Minister, who gives her the news that her husband has been transfered to the Canadian army base in Kandahar. | |
| All's Fair in Love and War | May 3, 2007 | Somewhere in a CIA prison, Raj is told his wife Donya is sleeping with a women. Spy photos seem to bare this out. Is this another lies-from-home interrogation tactic? | |
| Rogue Canada | November 30, 2006 | Stephen Harper wants credit for cutting CO2 emissions from Taliban suicide bombers. | |
| Steve | October 19, 2006 | If you love our troops. If you love your timbits. You MUST see this movie. | |
| All True Warmance | September 21, 2006 | U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Mackay have an affair in the pages of a romance comic book. | |
| Home | September 14, 2006 | News from home for Raj, held captive by the Americans: Stephen Harper is upset that the U.S. won't share its no-fly list. Stephen wants to make lists of his own. | |
| American Care | August 31, 2006 | Donya receives a visit from Officer Stephen Harper, who informs her why the Americans won't release her husband, who is being held in Afghanistan. | |
| Stockholm | August 24, 2006 | U.S. forces in Afghanistan rescue Canadian hostage Raj Malik. After three years in captivity - first in the hands of Canadians, then Pakistanis, then wannabe Al Qaeda, Raj is free. Or is he? | |
| Trouble | May 25, 2006 | Stephen Harper said he'd never cut and run on Canada's commitments at the first sign of trouble. Then he cut and run on Kyoto. | |