Biting political and social satire by Lind. Fresh every Thursday.
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  May 23, 2007 | Compatibility Issues « Previous | Current | Next » | Archives | About Email lind at

For this cartoon, I had to do some (ahem) research. It was all Frank's idea, honest.

There is some debate about HD porn. It is a little too real for many actors involved, who dread all the extra-close shaving and plastic surgery that all-seeing plasma screens will neccessitate. But the first porn title, Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre, has been released on HD-DVD. It seems porn has embraced this format over Sony's Blu-Ray. Sony announced that it would not allow factories using its technology to produce porn. Ease of manufacturing is what made VHS win over Beta -- and, as with most technology we use on the Web, the choice of pornographers was instrumental. History will likely repeat itself, and life will never be the same.

Meanwhile, the Pill is causing male fish to switch sexes. Common earthworms are destroying our forests. And we've got 10 years to reduce our carbon emissions by 90 percent or risk setting off a chain reaction that will send the planet into a total meltdown.

BTW, Horst is wearing a Flick Off T, gear from a campaign to make fighting global warming cool. I'd question buying gear to fight climate change (are there offsets for the fossil fuels used to manufacture and deliver it?), but the Earth needs all the help it can get. If irreverent slogans help to spur action as well as attitude, great. (I saw a woman selling bread at Future Bakery wearing one, which is how I ended up at the site, where there is a clock showing the time we have left to cut significant amounts of CO2 before the Earth goes enters an irreversible civilization-destroying trajectory. As I type, it's 9 years, 3 months, 11 days, 16 hours, 39 minutes and 14 seconds. So I should stop typing and flick off this power-guzzling 'puter.)

10 Years Ago This Week: May 22, 1997
At a time of widespread stock-market fraud, weird poll results are causing an uproar -- and may indicate fraud in the polling industry. How else to explain that yogic flyers may form the Official Opposition?



You can see a more extensive portfolio of my work at the blog, including This Bright Future, a distilled and partial continuation of Weltschmerz, Turtle Creek, a daily comic about a turtle and a computer, and Footprint in Mouth, a quarterly cartoon I draw for Alternatives.

Weltschmerz in Print

Weltschmerz ran in Toronto's Eye Weekly from 1997 to 2007. It ran in weekly papers in southwestern Ontario, Ottawa and Edmonton between 1995 and 2008.

Notes on Writing a Comic Strip

I wrote this 17-page, 4 MB PDF document for my workshop at the 2006 Eden Mills Writers' Festival. It details the creation of one strip and gives tips on writing comics.

Politics and Environment

Monbiot | Guardian columnist and Heat author George Monbiot's blog. Not only about global warming, but expect plenty of refutations of the flat-earthers. His writing is witty, incisive and bang-on.

Desmog Blog | An indispensible (and Canadian) resource that "clears the PR pollution that clouds climate science."


Weltschmerz playlist at CBC Radio 3 | Some of the music I listen to while drawing this comic -- independent and Canadian.

This American Life | Radio documentaries that hit the heart, brain and funny bone.

CBC Podcasts | I don't listen to much live radio. Now, podcasts allow me to catch a lot of what I miss. I listen to The Current, Ideas, Spark and Search Engine while inking.


Diesel Sweeties by R Stevens | Witty repartee between guys, girls and robots drawn in a pixelated yet surprisingly versatile style.

Scott Pilgrim Manga-style indie-rock romance by Canadian Bryan Lee O'Malley | The most fun I've had in a comic book in recent memory. Highly recommended.

Dykes to Watch Out For | Alison Bechdel's brilliant weekly strip has been ghettoized because of its gay themes but deserves a wider readership.

Doonesbury | Garry Trudeau is still great after all these years.

Kevin Heuzenga | Enviable drawing style and dry wit. Start with Time Travelling.

Graeme MacKay | The editorial cartoonist for the Hamilton Spectator has a distinctive, addictive drawing style. And he makes me chortle.

Friends and Neighbours

Blog Guelph | Hometown photos and events.

The Narrative | Riveting photoblog. Matt O'Sullivan is at the right place at the right shutter speed.

Breast of Canada | A calendar promoting women's health.

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