| Cremation Ceremonies | December 13, 2007 | In Bali, they burn their dead and throw the ashes into the rising sea. Global Gus and Stephen Harper are planning to do just that with the Kyoto Accord. | |
| Friends of the Truth | February 8, 2007 | Before you trade in your Hummer for a hybrid -- are you sure you are to blame for global warming? Global Gus, spokesglobe for Friends of the Truth, offers other theories as to why the planet is heating up. | |
| 80 Percent | May 18, 2006 | Global Gus wants you to live like there's no tomorrow - so there won't be a tomorrow. | |
| Air of Colour | October 3, 2002 | airism - n. A coercive, fundamentalist ideology that discriminates against "impure" or dark-coloured air. Global Gus and Ralph Klein want a tolerant society that acepts all odors of air. | |
| Clean Airists | September 26, 2002 | Global Gus and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein are here to warn us about a threat so evil, it makes Al-Qaeda look like a bunch of boy scouts. | |
| Happy Frog | April 11, 2002 | Global Gus introduces us to his hot-tubbing buddy Happy Frog -- and hypes the glorious future. Does it include global warming? Nah! Throw more coal on the fire to power up your A/C and you'll be fine. | |
| A New Climate | August 2, 2001 | A New Climate -- for a Change: Tired of the same old boring extreme sports? Why not try extreme weather? | |
| Global Gus | July 26, 2001 | Hey kids! Name is Global Gus! I'd like to thank you for doing your part to heat up the planet! | |