OK, this offering is a little grim for the holiday season. But Canada's hardline, anti-future stance at the Bali talks left me little choice.
And as Horst argues, it is seasonal. Consider it an antidote to the merry-über-alles ditties we're besieged with in every mall.
I'm putting the finishing touches on my New Year's strip, which will complete this trilogy on Canada's modest Bali proposal.
For George Monbiot's take on the result of the U.N. conference (his book, Heat, is an essential and surprisingly humorous read), check out his Guardian column, We've been suckered again by the US. So far the Bali deal is worse than Kyoto.

Infanol uses babies as fuel; ethanol uses primarily corn. The two are not that far apart. It has become quickly apparent that ethanol is causing a huge spike in food costs. It will only get worse, and the poor will grow hungrier. Hardly a humane fuel choice. Yet Canada, the US and even the EU are all actively promoting ethanol as fuel, prompting farmers to devote huge swaths of land to cars not people.
Monbiot it an agricultural crime against humanity, and says that Biofuels could kill more people than the Iraq war.