This was the week when the Tories brought out their big environmental guns, hoping to defang Liberal Leader's Stéphane Dion's green attack.
A Liberal program to give tax credits for home energy efficiency was resurrected. (Prime Minister Stephen Harper had axed it when he thought nobody would connect the rogue weather to the decades-old warnings of scientists.) But the red tape (and $300 demanded of the tax payer for a home audit) is intimidating. We need something easy -- like, no GST on energy-efficient products. And carbon taxes on gas guzzlers and air travel.
What wasn't was a relabelling of meek and ineffective Liberal policies was of the "more research into cleaner technology" variety. Sure, we need research. But more than that, we need tough government action, now. Freeze will hell over before Stephen Harper uses some muscle to do much other than but fight "terrorists."
Want terror? Read about worst-case scenarios coming true. Then try sleeping at night.

10 Years Ago This Week: January 30, 1997
War was raging in Bosnia -- and Ontario. Municipal Affairs Minister Al Leech was in charge of forcing amalgamation down Toronto's throat and muddying all debate with a thermo-unclear strike. Golf über alles!

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