| Phantom Wife Syndrome | February 14, 2008 | "If I lose a leg to an IED, do I say "ex-leg?" No, it's still my leg, even though it's been shredded. So why do we say ex-wife?" Horst has a too-close encounter with another sufferer of PWS. | |
| Attention Insomniacs! | February 7, 2008 | Horst joins the Insomniacs with Phantom Girlfriend Syndrome Facebook group -- the offline edition. The solution to his problems? Shop till you drop. | |
| Oil Asanas | November 1, 2007 | Stephen Harper is using an innovative, New Age method to reduce carbon emissions from oil sands mining: The power of positive thinking. | |
| Pull yourself up by the gluons | April 12, 2007 | At a speech by best-selling author Rhonda Byrne, Donya is let in on The Secret -- but isn't sure she wants to hear it. | |
| Desperate Architects | December 21, 2006 | Celia is desperately seeking a self-help book for architects plagued by guilt at destroying historic buildings that provide studio space for artists. | |