| GOP 2.0 | September 13, 2007 | Celia is visiting her long-time friend Cindy, dissecting her defunct relationship with Horst, when the plot twists. | |
| MP3 Levels | January 4, 2007 | Is Horst ranting in his sleep or does he have a terminal case of insomnia? | |
| Tending Your Eunich | December 28, 2006 | Horst is worried that Celia has developed a self-help addiction. But when he tries to talk to her friend Cindy about it, he gets an ice-cold shoulder. | |
| Desperate Architects | December 21, 2006 | Celia is desperately seeking a self-help book for architects plagued by guilt at destroying historic buildings that provide studio space for artists. | |
| Infertile Pride | November 16, 2006 | Celia tries to convince Horst to adopt a child -- without paying $3 million to bribe the country. | |
| Gerbils | November 9, 2006 | Gerbils procreate. Gays can't marry because they can't procreate. Should gerbils have the right to marry? | |
| Emission Targets | October 26, 2006 | Stress causes low sperm count -- but Horst remains convinced that, despite his long hours at work, one or two of his sperm may survive to complete their mission. | |
| Post-Ugly | October 12, 2006 | Celia laments to Cindy about her role in the condo boom. | |
| Wiggle Room | August 3, 2006 | What is environmentally friendlier: Birthing a baby or adopting from China? Or is the issue really whether Horst is in denial abouit his newly discovered inferttility? | |
| Stud Finder | July 27, 2006 | Now that Horst is no longer a breeder, Celia fantasizes about finding a new stud. | |
| Underworldwear | July 20, 2006 | Was Horst's sperm killed by tight jockey shorts? Or was it the broccoli? Or the laptop? The mystery thickens. | |
| Spermicide | July 13, 2006 | Horst's sperm cells are dead. Is it murder? Weltschmerz goes film noir. | |
| Cave Paintings | July 6, 2006 | Horst tries to produce a sperm sample to see why he and Celia can't conceive. He finds the sample-producing aids less than satisfactory. | |
| Sporn | May 11, 2006 | Frank has the solution to help Horst in conceiving a child: Porn. | |
| Wooden | February 16, 2006 | Stephen Harper's rise to power causes Horst's fall into impotency.
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| Never-Nesters | January 5, 2006 | The anniversary of Horst and Celia's resolution to have a baby arrives - and Horst uses it as a political allegory.
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| Tantric | November 17, 2005 | Horst: "If you're gonna go all tantric afterwards, at least I should be allowed to have a smoke." | |
| How Often? | October 21, 2005 | A look at how differently the men and women perceive sex. | |
| Daytimer Sex | September 29, 2005 | Horst is shocked when Celia suggests she pencil him in for sex. | |
| Workout | June 16, 2005 | Raj's solitary confinement puts a crimp in Donya's sex life.
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| No | April 28, 2005 | Horst fears he has what may be the first instance of Gulf War Syndrome caused by babysitting. | |
| Second SUV | March 3, 2005 | Horst laments to Frank that he will never make the "One-Tonne Challenge. | |
| Challenges | February 24, 2005 | Is Max committed to Kyoto - or does he just have a thing for Rick Mercer? Max, Horst and Celia discuss Kyoto, having babies, ranting about having babies and the Geneva Convention. | |
| Banner Year | January 6, 2005 | Horst is in unusually high spirits for New Year's. He's going to be a father! Only problem is, Celia isn't pregnant yet. | |
| Moon | December 30, 2004 | "To hell with the state of the world! Let's make a baby!" Horst finally makes a monumental decision. | |
| Stress | December 23, 2004 | Frank is late for his stress management seminar. And to top it off, the pressuer is on to breed. Are there perks to parenthood? Horst is looking for them. | |
| Sexual Cooling | October 28, 2004 | Horst has ecological disaster on his mind. Does global warming have to create sexual cooling? | |