CBC Radio 3 just blogged Weltschmerz. My playlist has been in the top 5 shared for a number of weeks. You can read the complete iPod-people cartoon excerpted on CBC here.

This week finds Horst hiding from the BioDredge Gaiagra-pushers. But how much is all in his mind? Only time will tell. In the meantime, he is living incognito at Frank's place. Celia has the house, for now. And Horst is ever hopeful that she will accept him back.
Summer usually sees me doing an extended, more personal sequence (like last year, when Horst found out he was infertile after a harrowing sperm sampling, and a detective came to investigate the first-degree spermicide). This summer has been no exception. A few more cartoons are planned in this vein, before the political season gets into high gear. Then I'll find a funny jugular to go for again.
Check out next week's, which I'm penciling right now -- also silly and somewhat profane. A not-so-sneak preview below:

Earworm is the German word (ohrwurm for a song that gets stuck in your head. We don't have a word for this in English, though a phrase that aptly describes it is a brain itch -- the only way to relieve it is to hear the song that is causing it. There was a scientific study done on this phenomenon. Some songs are itchier than others.
As a tribute to earworms (which I still think is better than "brain itch"), I will now and then post them. This week's earworm is Tachee by Lo and the Magnetics, from Montreal.