| Visiting Hours | January 3, 2008 | Horst visits the comatose Raj in the hospital -- and is himself visited. | |
| One Man's Tragedy | November 22, 2007 | Celia calls to tell Horst that Raj is on a flight from Afghanistan. But he's in a coma. Franks sees this crisis as an opportunity for Horst to patch things up with Celia. | |
| Wait for the Results | August 23, 2007 | Horst goes on another Gaiagra-induced torture-porn trip, in which his doctor dunks him in a boiling hot tub, refusing to let him stop taking the drug. Or does he? | |
| Hewers of Wood | May 17, 2007 | Stephen Harper calls Stockwell Day out from the dungeon where he resides. Donya and her lawyer threaten to sue unless Raj is released by Canadian troops in Afghanistan. | |
| Friendly Firewall | May 10, 2007 | Donya finally gets a meeting with the Prime Minister, who gives her the news that her husband has been transfered to the Canadian army base in Kandahar. | |
| All's Fair in Love and War | May 3, 2007 | Somewhere in a CIA prison, Raj is told his wife Donya is sleeping with a women. Spy photos seem to bare this out. Is this another lies-from-home interrogation tactic? | |
| Hangnails | March 15, 2007 | The support group for wives of detainees ask Celia about her breakup with Horst. She feels like a hangnail sufferer in a room full of amputees. | |
| Support Group | March 8, 2007 | In a support group for wives of the detained, Celia is asked where her man is being held. | |
| Asymmetric | June 22, 2006 | "These suicides were not an act of desperation, rather an act of asymmetric warfare waged against us." - Rear Admiral Harry Harris, Guantanamo Camp Commander | |
| Resolution | December 29, 2005 | Bush's New Year's resolution: Kinder, merrier renditions.
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| Stress'n'Duress | December 15, 2005 | After two years in prison, Raj is extradited from Canada.
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| Twisted Weasel | December 08, 2005 | Raj gets a demonstration of the twisted weasel pose from his torture guru. | |
| Living Daylights | August 18, 2005 | Extending daylight saving time is part of the War on Terror. | |
| Family Values | March 31, 2005 | Spongebob Squarepants claims he was forced to have sex with Buster the Bunny to prove he has a secret agenda to force homosexuality on America's children. George Bush vehemently denies the allegation. | |
| Cultural Export | March 10, 2005 | Fear Factor meets "extraordinary rendition." | |
| Challenges | February 24, 2005 | Is Max committed to Kyoto - or does he just have a thing for Rick Mercer? Max, Horst and Celia discuss Kyoto, having babies, ranting about having babies and the Geneva Convention. | |
| O Dubya | November 27, 2003 | An anthem to encourage extraordinary rendition, for Canadian Muslims: O Dub-y-a! Deport us from our land! To foreign jails... That follow your command! | |