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Homecoming | November 29, 2007 | Raj's flight on Renditionair returns, finally, from Afghanistan. His friends, an ambulance and a press conference with Stockwell Day are there to greet him.
Oil Asanas | November 1, 2007 | Stephen Harper is using an innovative, New Age method to reduce carbon emissions from oil sands mining: The power of positive thinking.
Idling Cars Do Devil's Work | October 11, 2007 | Horst vs Hummer
Porn Flakes | September 6, 2007 | Horst is now shacking up with Frank, who proves to be a less-than-ideal roommate: Messages are not passed on, and porn is running during breakfast.
Four-letter Mind | August 30, 2007 | Horst is in hiding from BioDredge, the makers of Gaiagra, who don't take too kindly when one of their patients decides the drug is not for him.
Wait for the Results | August 23, 2007 | Horst goes on another Gaiagra-induced torture-porn trip, in which his doctor dunks him in a boiling hot tub, refusing to let him stop taking the drug. Or does he?
Woohoo | August 16, 2007 | The origins of the powerful anti-climate change-induced depression drug, Gaiagra.
Deathly Hallucinations | August 9, 2007 | Horst's doctor reassures him that his weird visions are just a result of too low a dose of Gaiagra. Then he pops off Horst's head.
Pod People | July 26, 2007 | Cosmo creates a protest playlist dedicated to the abused Chinese worker who made his iPod.
Clinical Trial | July 5, 2007 | Day 3 of Horst's clinical trial of Gaiagra: He discovers the pill talks back to him.
Through a Glass, Darkly | June 21, 2007 | "Girls don't go for guys unable to see the glass half full." So says Horst's doctor, who wants to prescribe him a new drug that relieves despair caused by environmental crises.
Emotional Property Rights | June 7, 2007 | Horst's new status of "dumpee" has gone viral via Facebook. For Cosmo, this is a good thing: "You get it all over with in a nano-second!"
Compatibility Issues | May 24, 2007 | Frank offers Horst an antidote to his breakup blues: the largest HD porn collection in Canada.
No Man is an Ice Floe | March 29, 2007 | Horst finds himself having a smoke on an ice floe (about the only place you can nowadays) -- but is rudely interrupted by a polar bear.
End of the World | March 22, 2007 | Horst and Celia's relationship is a casualty of global warming that Al Gore forgot to mention. Horst breaks the news to Frank.
Earth Defence | February 22, 2007 | Horst is on trial for spousal abuse by cruel and unusual thermostat settings. Stephen Harper intervenes because the judge is a "tree-hugger hugger."
War Measures | February 15, 2007 | Horst and Celia's battle over the thermostat reaches its climax. Horst wins the battle -- but does he lose the war?
Friends of the Truth | February 8, 2007 | Before you trade in your Hummer for a hybrid -- are you sure you are to blame for global warming? Global Gus, spokesglobe for Friends of the Truth, offers other theories as to why the planet is heating up.
Thermostat War | February 1, 2007 | Global warming hits home -- Horst and Celia's home, where the temperature setting is the trigger for all-out thermo war. Will their relationship survive the fallout?
Toxic Thought Balloon | January 25, 2007 | Horst's thoughts of the prime minister straddling an exhaust pipe are keeping him awake. Celia's sleep is also disturbed by the mother of all thought balloons.
15 Minutes | January 18, 2007 | Frank has converted: He has donated his SUV to the museum's dinosaur gallery and now drives a Prius.
MP3 Levels | January 4, 2007 | Is Horst ranting in his sleep or does he have a terminal case of insomnia?
Canada's New Anthem | December 7, 2006 | Environment Minister Rona Ambrose belts out a new anthem for a new government.
Rogue Canada | November 30, 2006 | Stephen Harper wants credit for cutting CO2 emissions from Taliban suicide bombers.
Emission Targets | October 26, 2006 | Stress causes low sperm count -- but Horst remains convinced that, despite his long hours at work, one or two of his sperm may survive to complete their mission.
Steve | October 19, 2006 | If you love our troops. If you love your timbits. You MUST see this movie.
Tuvalu | June 29, 2006 | Frank deals with global warming and the war on terror in one fell swoop - and gets reprimanded by Stephen Harper for creating competition.
Trouble | May 25, 2006 | Stephen Harper said he'd never cut and run on Canada's commitments at the first sign of trouble. Then he cut and run on Kyoto.
80 Percent | May 18, 2006 | Global Gus wants you to live like there's no tomorrow - so there won't be a tomorrow.
Instead | May 4, 2006 | Harper's plan for the future.
Never-Nesters | January 5, 2006 | The anniversary of Horst and Celia's resolution to have a baby arrives - and Horst uses it as a political allegory.
Sightings | December 22, 2005 | Environmentalist David Susuki warns that global warming will cause Santa's extinction.
Warm'n'Fuzzy | September 22, 2005 | For Frank, gas prices can't go high enough.
Alternative Energy | May 12, 2005 | In 2000, U.S. airlines used an extra 1.3 billion litres of fuel to carry their over-weight passengers. This cartoon proposes a startlingly simple solution. Hint: Oilbesity.
Second SUV | March 3, 2005 | Horst laments to Frank that he will never make the "One-Tonne Challenge.
Challenges | February 24, 2005 | Is Max committed to Kyoto - or does he just have a thing for Rick Mercer? Max, Horst and Celia discuss Kyoto, having babies, ranting about having babies and the Geneva Convention.
Sexual Cooling | October 28, 2004 | Horst has ecological disaster on his mind. Does global warming have to create sexual cooling?
Air of Colour | October 3, 2002 | airism - n. A coercive, fundamentalist ideology that discriminates against "impure" or dark-coloured air. Global Gus and Ralph Klein want a tolerant society that acepts all odors of air.
Clean Airists | September 26, 2002 | Global Gus and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein are here to warn us about a threat so evil, it makes Al-Qaeda look like a bunch of boy scouts.
Happy Frog | April 11, 2002 | Global Gus introduces us to his hot-tubbing buddy Happy Frog -- and hypes the glorious future. Does it include global warming? Nah! Throw more coal on the fire to power up your A/C and you'll be fine.
A New Climate | August 2, 2001 | A New Climate -- for a Change: Tired of the same old boring extreme sports? Why not try extreme weather?
Global Gus | July 26, 2001 | Hey kids! Name is Global Gus! I'd like to thank you for doing your part to heat up the planet!