One round trip for two people from Toronto to Beijing produces about five tons of CO2 -- the amount an average Canadian produces in a year. Air travel is worse than SUVs when it comes to pollution (something I prefer to be in denial about, since my family makes yearly trips to Germany). To calculate your travel load (and purchase a TerraPass that supposedly mitigates your travel's effects on global warming by funding clean energy projects like wind farms), go to There, you can instantly calculate the CO2 produced by your annual car mileage (the site is American, so it's in miles) or flight to anywhere in the world.

Attack of the Same-Sex Sleeper Cells Retailers:
Pages, 256 Queen Street West (at John). On the graphic novels table.
The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street (near Bloor and Bathurst)
Book City, three locations - 501 Bloor St. West, 348 Danforth Ave., 663 Yonge St.
Hairy Tarantula, 354 Yonge Street (near Dundas).
David Mirvish Books, 596 Markham St.
The Bookshelf, 41 Quebec Street.
Macondo Books, 18 Wilson Street
Waterloo: Words Worth Books, 100 King Street South
Kitchener: KW Bookstore, 308 King Street West
Hamilton: Bryan Prince Bookseller, 1060 King Street West
Ottawa: Collected Works, 1242 Wellington Street West (at Holland)