I completed this cartoon in October and was planning to use it earlier, but there were always more timely topics. Being one week ahead gave me the luxury of reserving it as holiday insurance so I could take a week off at Christmas. But when I re-read the cartoon after two months, I realized it needed to be significantly rewritten, since originally it wasn't intended to be a comment on Christmas shopping. Also, it didn't flow as well as I wanted; Celia didn't seem desperate enough and her explanation was a little muddled. So I rewrote most of the second row. To give you an idea of the writing process, below are the original panel that changed.

There will a Weltschmerz on December 28th. If you need an antidote to an overdose of Christmas cheer, feel free to check it out.

10 Years Ago This Week: December 19, 1996
Aside from my busier style, denser writing and wobblier line, this cartoon doesn't seem 10 years old. If it is outdated, it's only because Life-Mart has caught up to satire.

Looking for a gift for a politically minded comics reader? The Weltschmerz comic book just might be the ticket. No need to go to Life-Mart -- order it here (see ad at top) or visit one of the fine independent bookstores below:
Pages, 256 Queen Street West (at John). On the graphic novels table.
The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street (near Bloor and Bathurst)
Book City, three locations - 501 Bloor St. West, 348 Danforth Ave., 663 Yonge St.
Hairy Tarantula, 354 Yonge Street (near Dundas).
David Mirvish Books, 596 Markham St.
The Bookshelf, 41 Quebec Street.
Macondo Books, 18 Wilson Street
Waterloo: Words Worth Books, 100 King Street South
Kitchener: KW Bookstore, 308 King Street West
Hamilton: Bryan Prince Bookseller, 1060 King Street West
Ottawa: Collected Works, 1242 Wellington Street West (at Holland)