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No End Insight | June 26, 2008 | The last Weltschmerz. A horny dilemma for Horst. I'm a fan of ambiguous, European-movie endings.
Subtext | June 12, 2008 | Horst gets a reality check from Cosmo and his new girlfriend Pangaea: What does his closet lesbianism mean?
Twin Peaks | May 22, 2008 | The 100-Litre Diet - Day 27: Welcome to Cosmo's own private world food crisis. Is his hunger accentuating a rare offline sexual encounter?
Tanked | May 15, 2008 | Cosmo goes on a date with the luddite girl he met at a demonstration.
There Will Be Hunger | May 8, 2008 | The 100-Litre Diet -- Day 1; Cosmo starts out a year living on the four biofuel groups.
There Will Be Hunger | May 1, 2008 | Cosmo is plagued by dreams of biofuel-caused famine. He decides to embark on a 100-litre diet, eating the corn used to make 100 litres of biofuel -- or one SUV fill-up -- in a year, which is what an average African does.
Biofools | April 24, 2008 | Cosmo and Horst go for a filleruppuccino. Will that be a venti blue corn biofuel blend, hold the oil sands?
Sideways | April 17, 2008 | Cosmo has the hots for the luddite girl he met at a Kyoto Now demo. But he never dates offline -- and she's never used a mouse. Is there any hope, or is this Romeo and Juliette across a digital divide?
Luddite Homesteaders | April 10, 2008 | Horst catches Cosmo driving to a Kyoto Now! demonstration, where he wants to capture the moral righteousness of the demonstrators for a YouTube doc.
See Mammaries Save Sea Mammals | March 27, 2008 | Horst and Cosmo confront a bimbo approach to seal hunting.
Know iSelf | March 20, 2008 | How much does Cosmo's iSelf mirror himself?
Backtop | March 13, 2008 | How Cosmo keeps effortlessly surfing on the cutting edge.
Goodbye Cool World | March 6, 2008 | Be cool by being uncool. But then, are you cool or uncool? Horst and Cosmo explain.
Upgrade Issues | January 17, 2008 | Horst and Cosmo meet to co-grok the new Mac OS. Do geek bonds go deeper?
Climate Chaos Theory | December 27, 2007 | Canada's stance at the Bali climate change conference culminates a long line of Canadian triumphs, with a pledge not to throw toddlers into high-efficiency furnaces.
Friends in High Places | September 27, 2007 | Horst is facestalked by Dalton McGuinty and John Tory, who both want to be his friend.
Pod People | July 26, 2007 | Cosmo creates a protest playlist dedicated to the abused Chinese worker who made his iPod.
Side Effects | July 12, 2007 | Cosmo asks Horst why he keeps taking Gaiagra if the hallucinatory side effects are like a season's pass to the Revelations Museum.
Bunker Mentality | June 28, 2007 | Cosmo shows Horst his brand new, revolutionary communications device: the dPhony. It debunks anything. Case in point: Harper's statements on Afghanistan.
Emotional Property Rights | June 7, 2007 | Horst's new status of "dumpee" has gone viral via Facebook. For Cosmo, this is a good thing: "You get it all over with in a nano-second!"
Facebooklash | May 31, 2007 | Horst uses Facebook to announce to his "friends" that Celia has dumped him. His friends tell their friends... | January 11, 2007 | Cosmo unveils his new web site -- the cultural genome of our times.
The Boxed Set of Everything | December 14, 2006 | Cosmo urges Horst to get the Boxed Set of Everything, fulfilling all his entertainment needs with one swipe of the credit card.
Blog Hole | August 10, 2006 | Cosmo offers Horst theories about why blog holes may mean the end of the Internet as we know it.
Thunk! | April 20, 2006 | A harp seal clubs Pamela Anderson.
At First Site | April 13, 2006 | Cosmo introduces Horst to his main cyber-squeeze.
Renaissance | March 16, 2006 | Horst enters Cosmo's blog.
Grunt Work | March 3, 2006 | Blogs are making conversation obsolete.
Worms | August 11, 2005 | Cosmo and Horst are debriefed on their failure to fix the corrupted MonoLib.
Progress Bar | August 4, 2005 | Horst and Cosmo are trapped in the computing machinery of the government.
Proctologic | July 28, 2005 | Deep in the bowels of Parliament, Horst and Cosmo enter the monoLib.
Canada OS | July 21, 2005 | As our corruption fighters prepare to enter Canada OS, Cosmo warns Horst not to let his guard down - or he will also become corrupted.
monoLib | July 14, 2005 | Behold - the monoLib! Horst and Cosmo encounter Canada's entire operating system - in one iPodesque slab.
Heart of Dorkiness | July 7, 2005 | Horst and Cosmo meet Prime Minister Paul Martin in the corridors of power. He promptly tries to convert them.
Jolt Tub | June 30, 2005 | Horst is awoken by an emergency phone call from work: Ottawa's anti-corruption software is corrupt.
Funeral | April 14, 2005 | Horst and Cosmo have a wake after the Pope's death - and a conversation about AIDS, gay marriage and political corruption. This cartoon has ADD.
Banner Year | January 6, 2005 | Horst is in unusually high spirits for New Year's. He's going to be a father! Only problem is, Celia isn't pregnant yet.
Happy Frog | April 11, 2002 | Global Gus introduces us to his hot-tubbing buddy Happy Frog -- and hypes the glorious future. Does it include global warming? Nah! Throw more coal on the fire to power up your A/C and you'll be fine.