I have a client who asked me to forward a logo via email because she said she didn't know how to do it. This lack of computer savvy may be inconceivable to those of us who for whom sending 50 emails in one day isn't out of the ordinary. But when technology changes, there are those who for whatever reasons just do not adopt.
My wife's German grandparents never learnt how to drive because cars were foreign to them. I can imagine people today refusing to learn how to drive because of what cars are doing to our planet, just as Pangaea refuses to have anything to do with computers because of their role in desensitizing us to our natural world.
We met Pangaea a few weeks ago when she was the unwilling subject of Cosmo's YouTube documentary. But love (or lust) sometimes springs up when an irresistible force meets an immovable object. Oil and water make beautiful patterns.

As research for this cartoon, I needed to find out to find how much corn is necessary to make bourbon. I couldn't find it on the web, so I joined a bourbon message board. An interesting discussion thread arose, which you can follow here:
The answer I got was:
About 1.7 lb in a 4/5 quart bottle of 90 proof 5 yo (not counting grain used for the yeast mash or backset. This is based on the info on page 214 of Bourbon and Other Fine American Whiskies by Regan and Regan, an adaptation of the Maker's Mark mashbill.
By my calculations, this works out to about 25 grams for 0.25 litres, a shot glass. Which is why a quarter day's ration (0.15 litres) would leave Cosmo on the floor. No pain, no hunger.
As research for next week's entry, I needed to find out whether 0.6 kg per day of corn is actually enough to live on, as the World Bank claims. Come back next Thursday, for the last in this series.