Yes, in case you missed the GOP 2.0 seduction cartoon, Celia and Cindy have become an item. Or is that 20,001 items?

New to Weltschmerz? Old-time reader? Confused about why Horst's longtime girlfriend Celia is shagging a chick? The archives tell all. You can easily trace a story thread by clicking on a theme and watch it unfold, dispensing with political eddies like elections and such that sometimes get in the way of plot.

War Measures: The cartoon in which Celia leaves Horst. His household war-on-climate-change measures were the last straw.
For instance, to trace the sad and sordid tale of Horst and Celia's break-up, click on the relationships filter. You'll get a list of all the relevant strips. You can pick up on the story anywhere, but I'd suggest Cave Paintings, where Horst tries to produce a sperm sample the old-fashioned, low-tech way, or Studfinder, where Celia fantasizes about a better item.
This has been a public service announcement.

Earworm: Tonight by Beautiful Senseless, from Guelph.