Another week, another tainted Chinese product. It was high time the chickens came home to poop. For too long, we've gobbled up cheap stuff manufactured at great cost to both the workers and the environment. Now, along with everything else made there, we're importing some of the risk. Also, as I will point out in next week's cartoon, the CO2 emitted by the coal plants used to power all the factories that produce our cheap stuff knows no borders. China may in fact now be the greatest contributor to global warming.
I wanted to use the following as a punchline, but the cartoon wrote itself differently:
I have seen the Chinese, and they are us.

China's abysmal human rights record, and how we profit from it with cheap stuff filling our monster homes, has long been a bugaboo of mine. I drew the below cartoon in February, 1997. Sadly, it's still relevant now.

10 Years Ago This Week: July 17, 1997
Pollara is slimming down, improving its muscle tone, getting rid of its corporate love handles. So Horst loses his job -- but gains entrepreneurial freedom.