This cartoon is the last for a while on the soap operatic track of Horst's ex-lovelife. It has been lingering on my drawing board, with the last few panels written but unsatisfactory. I was trying to ladle on too much expository dialogue -- explaining Donya's lawsuit against the Canadian government for its role in putting Raj in a hospital bed, touching on about Obama vs. Clinton, plus trying to wrap everything up with Donya suggesting that Celia tells Horst about her and Cindy, "so that at least he's jealous of the right girl."
Finally, I let all that go and focused on the humour in the back-and-forth between Celia and Donya.
With continuing storylines, I walk a fine line between saying too much and too little. Casual readers need to understand enough to get it, but if I get too bogged down in the past, I have no space to move the story forward.

Next week, we shake the February blahs that have been plaguing Weltschmerz (or was it weltschmerz plaguing February?) and get silly again. It's been a while. Below a sneak preview.
