On Oct. 10, make Ontario more democratic. Vote for MMP.
The establishment parties and press, after hoping people wouldn't notice Ontario's referendum if they ignored it, have been waging an intense campaign of lies and misinformation against Mixed Member Proportional. (I won't bother refuting them; see 10 Reasons to Vote for MMP, which puts the arguments as simply as possible, or the links at right and below.)
I don't see many people defending our current system, aside from mouthing the mantra that it creates stable majorities (that a minority voted for). As if a stable majority is more important than true democracy. As if true democracy is ugly and scary (which, to people who risk losing their power, it is) -- "small parties would crop up!" Well, yes. We live in a complex world. Our political system -- created in the 1800s and never changed, aside from enfranchising non-landowners and women -- doesn't reflect this.
First-past-the-post encourages totally skewed election results, giving parties that receive less than 50 percent of the vote unfettered power. This fact alone is like tobacco: If someone invented it now, it would be seen as absurd and never be allowed.
As National Post columnist Andrew Coyne puts it,
Supporters of the status quo cite its tendency to produce stable majority governments. But these aren't majority governments. They're legalized coup d'etats.
This is not an issue that divides on traditional left/right lines. Coyne, whose free-market arguments I often disagree with, has written an excellent series of columns arguing passionately for proportional representation. I recommend you read them and take the arguments with you to Thanksgiving dinner, if you have family members who need convincing:
The case against first-past-the-post September 26, 2007
PR: Debunking the fearmongers September 29, 2007
Why PR works October 3, 2007
This is the most important Ontario election in my lifetime. I regret not having done more, earlier, to inform and educate. But if you're reading this and still feel confused or don't plan to vote, I implore you: Get informed. Check out the links at right. Vote.
If, against tough odds, MMP gets through, it will make Ontario a lot more democratic.