It was fun drawing former Ontario Premier Mike Harris again. He once had a starring role in Weltschmerz, as the arch nemesis of Horst and almost everybody else living in Toronto. I haven't gotten a handle on John Tory yet; from a caricaturist's perspective, I still prefer the geeky awkwardness of Dalton McGuinty. But it's easier to draw what I know. I'll be getting my feet wet with Tory next week, just in case. (I wasn't avoiding drawing him along with Dalton this week. The "new day of rest" / "knew T Rex" pairing worked so well, I had to draw Harris again.)
It's fascinating to see how a caricature evolves over time. I remember thinking how Mike Harris seemed bland and difficult to get a grip on. Compare my first caricature of him -- looking somehow unformed and pre-natal -- with one of my later ones.

From a 1996 cartoon starring Harris and his Environment Minister, Brenda Elliot.

In 2001, Harris privatizes Horst's soul, in exchange for freeing Celia from jail.

Earworm: Forever Indebted by Shout Out Out Out Out, from Edmonton, in honour of Max's arrival, establishing a Weltschmerz beachhead in the West.