First off, a reminder about the first-ever Weltschmerz book launches:
In Guelph: Thursday, April 6, 7-9 pm (I'll hang around later), The Bookshelf Greenroom, 41 Quebec Street. In lieu of a reading, I'll be chatting about cartooning and politics, as well as signing books.
In Toronto: Saturday, April 8, 2-5 pm, The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street (near Bloor and Bathurst).

Echo, the K-W/Guelph/Cambridge weekly, did a cover story on the book this week. A quote: "Mating excellence in design and print quality and Lind’s thoughtful and incisive social commentary, the inaugural collection from the Weltschmerz series sets a high standard."
Also, pick up this month's Exclaim! for a brief but rave review of the book. A quote: "Slyly meshing Doonesbury politics, slacker culture and relationship dramas, Lind accomplishes a remarkable balancing act: current without being dated; serialized without being alienating; and smartly political without being preachy."
Next week, watch this space for a list of independent retailers where Attack of the Same-Sex Sleeper Cells will be sold. Or you can order it now here by credit card or PayPal. A PDF order form with which you can pay by cheque will be posted soon.

Site update: The character descriptions are up.

"I Love Canada!" That's what a Palestinian hostage taker said a few weeks ago when convinced his hostage was Canadian, not American. Then he let him go. Being Canadian has its perks. Obviously, Raj's hostage takers don't feel quite the same way. I wrote this cartoon before that incident (and before the rescue of James Loney, Harmeet Sooden and Norm Kember in Iraq). Reality has once again overtaken satire. Almost.