The grande finale of this four-part series featured a movie poster for Ontario Premier Mike Harris' cutback-fetish movie, Cuts, a rip-off of David Cronenberg's car-crash fetish movie, Crash (not to be confused with last year's Oscar-winning movie of the same name).
The reference to moms in the kitchen stems from a comment Harris made about single mothers on welfare having a "lifestyle problem." That reminds me of a comment last year by Scott Reid, then-Prime Minister Paul Martin's director of communications, in reference to now-Prime Minister Stephen Harper's cash-for-daycare plan: "Don't give people 25 bucks a week to blow on beer and popcorn. " Hmm. About ten years ago, Mike Harris removed a $26 monthly payment to pregnant mothers on welfare. His reason: "We want to make sure they're not spending it on beer." 25 bucks. 10 years. Zero change?